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you're gonna learn more and more about how to create a great blog post so don't be worried about creating the best possible blog post the first time you ever write anything.

 so I'm just gonna get rid of this message here for the time being and what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a new post when you create a new post you're gonna see a page that looks like this so I'm gonna go through some of the different options that you have there's a lot of different things here in this menu up here you have labels you can schedule your blog post.

Blogging seo,, blogging,seo for blogger, blogger
Blogger,blog,blog seo

 so maybe you want to put it out tomorrow or next week you can always do that and keep things on a schedule you can adjust the permalink so this is going to be the link the URL for your individual blog posts you can use an automatic or create a custom one here so I'll go through that as I set up this blog post you can adjust location.

so I'm not gonna change location here but you can adjust the location of where you're writing this blog post and if we come down here to options the three main options here is you can allow or don't allow reader comments,

 so you can just adjust that here if you'd like to in compose mode so you have compose mode and you have HTML mode if you have HTML written in compose mode you can either choose to interpret the type HTML so I set up something here like strong and then sample HTML strong so this is the code for making your text bold what you're gonna see here is if I do show HTML little literally then it will just show this in the blog post.

 if I say interpret typed HTML and it's gonna make this strong in the blog post so you don't really need to worry about that too much but if you are trying to write a blog post about different HTML.

this is where you would adjust that or if you just want to make sure that blogger interprets the HTML and just post it right to the page so you don't have any of these tags showing in your blog post anyone want to click this one here now line breaks there's BR tags so B R stands for breaks.

 you'll see that right here that's another HTML tag so if you come here and do break then that's gonna set your line to a new line so you can either choose the break tag or just using enter for line breaks so in that case you would just come here click on enter twice.

if you type in something here like line break then you know that there's gonna be a space between this sample HTML at the top and the line break so just some different options that you have we're gonna click on done for now I'm just gonna get rid of this tag.

 so that's the main thing over here on post settings now when you're done with a post what you want to do is click on publish here you can always preview your posts at any time and you can also save your blog post so if I come over here to post site title what we'll do is my first blog post now the two different options.

 you can write in our compose or HTML so if I come here to compose the benefit of using compose is if you do type something like my first blog post example what I can do is I can take this text right here maybe I want to make it bold so you could just do that makes it a little bit easier and then if we come over here to HTML you're gonna see it's gonna have so this uses the B tag and more it's a strong tag same exact thing it's both gonna be bold your text.

now this is gonna be the HTML you see you don't have nearly as many options here you can do the same thing with bold in HTML but you don't have the option for some of these other things up here so you can see here in compose you can kind of add in video you can insert special characters you can set up jump breaks here you can adjust the alignment if you come over to HTML.

you can't do as many of those things over here now I generally write in HTML because I just think it makes it easier and you can always jump back and forth between compose and HTML as you're writing your first blog post.


 so we're gonna come back over here to compose and I just want to go through a few of the different things that you can do so I'm just gonna write sample text right here and go through each of these little options here so first one is undo so you can always undo what you just did so if you have a change that you made and you want to undo that change you can usually undo or redo it as you are creating your blog post very helpful if you accidentally delete some text or something like that.

 now if we come over here this is gonna be font so you can change your font so we'll come here change it and you can just adjust your font right here next is gonna be text size so right here is just text size so normal large largest.

 so you can adjust your text size as you're writing and you can come over here and you're gonna see there's headings subheadings and minor headings and normal so if you're just writing normal text and you could just keep it right here now.

if I come over here and I do heading and we take this and we do a heading it's gonna make it larger it's gonna put some space between the text so if we come over here and do subheading so we're gonna come here we  can do this subheading here so as you're creating blog posts you can use headings  subheadings and even minor headings to kind of go over.

some of the different details as you're writing so if for example the main thing that you're writing about so if it's gonna be your first blog post your heading here would probably be my first blog post or something along those lines now the other things over here this is italic underline strikethrough.

 so any of these different things you can adjust your text easily you can do underlines and you can do strike throughs so all those different examples you can do here you could just easily click on those buttons and set up your text differently you can change your text color so if you want to change your text color obviously that makes it a little bit hard to read.

so you can do all this and it's going to show at you're writing your blog post anything that you do here is gonna show on your page as you have your blog post published so you can always preview these changes over time but if you're changing anything here you can do text background color.

 so maybe I want to have background color we'll do orange and you can see when I publish it it's gonna look like this in my blogger post so we'll get rid of this here we'll just come over here and just keep it as white now the next thing is gonna be link so if we come here to sample text and we do a link it's gonna take that sample text right here and we can link to a web address or an email address,

 so let's just say I do surf side PPC com you can test this link if you need to you can open the link in a new window so that people keep your website open and open the link in a brand new window.

 now you can add the nofollow attribute so that tells Google don't crawl this link for my page so you can add that if you'd like to you can click on learn more here if you want to learn more about some of the different attributes for your link but if I just keep this like this click on OK.

now when someone comes to this page and then click on sample text they're gonna go to my website you can also change this and make sure you do have HTTPS if that's the way the website is set up you know we just come up and copy and paste a link.

so if I come over to my website and let's just say I want to link to my own website copy this link come over here and just paste this link and what would you be just like that so you can click on OK and now anytime someone clicks on this link it's gonna go to that separate page so the next thing is gonna be inserting an image.

 so if we come down here even more and we insert an image so you can insert images from your blog from your Google album archive from your phone from your webcam or from a URL so if I click on upload here and we'll just upload an image so I'll just upload the Surfside PPC logo for now so we'll click on this image after you upload it you want to click on it click on add selected you can upload multiple images.

 if you want to and then you're gonna have it there now you can change the size here by clicking on the image and doing small large medium and then what you want to do is come over here to properties and you always want to enter alt text for your images so this tells Google what the image is so if I come here and say surf side PPC logo then Google knows that this image is the surf side PPC logo you can also do the same thing in title text so you don't have to do title text but alt text is used for Google to understand what the image is if I put an image there of the beach then what I can do here in alt text is just type in beach photo photo of the beach or just beach so anything like that Google is gonna have an understanding of what that photo is so you always want to use image properties here and click on OK you can adjust the size here and you can adjust the alignment.

so it's really easy to kind of upload and manage your images now we're gonna keep coming down and what we want to do is if you see here I can type alongside this image if I use the left alignment so that's just something that you can do so text alongside image okay and we're gonna keep scrolling down obviously it's gonna be a really ugly bug blog post but I'll create a couple more just so you can understand the different types of blog posts.

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