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How to get your first order on fiverr,how to get new offer on fiverr

How to get your first order on fiverr

 if you're new to the platform if you're just starting freelancing and you're offering your services for sale the biggest thing that you're the reason you're reading this  article  because you want to gain traction fast the easiest thing you can do to help buyers make the decision of working with a new seller like yourself is to make your gig as cheap as possible don't look at it like

 you're losing money or you're undervaluing their services look at it as an investment in your fiverr business by offering your services at a heavy discount in the early days $5

 which is the minimum you can charge on fiber you are investing this is your marketing budget this is your you know your your brand building budget by offering your first 5 10 15 years for five dollars 

you're helping get yourself out there you know when you get those orders do your absolute best to crush it on those orders and then you'll get 5-star ratings and then as you start accumulating these ratings

 you can up your price as to what you think is fair based on your skills but in the early days if you want to speed up the amount of time it's gonna take to get your first order in 2020 your gate needs to be $5 plain and simple 

so the fourth thing you can do to get your first order fast in 2020 is to be honest now what do I mean by this

 so if you're a new seller on Fiverr you know you've created your gig you've watched all my videos about how to optimize for SEO build great gig photos and write a great gig description 

you know you're pretty much ready to sell but after you've posted that gig you also want to be you know pushing your gig to potential buyers off the fibre platform whether that be you know advertising paid advertising putting it into Facebook groups you know actually prospecting and sending emails to you know target companies that you think you'd be a great fit for whatever it might be when you're reaching out to people in this way you know doing your own prospecting you know really pounding the pavement and trying to speed up the amount of time it's gonna take me to get that first order the most important thing you can do in these interactions with potential buyers is to be honest 

let them know what you're doing let them know that you've just started this freelancing business of yours and let them know that you have past experience and that you know honestly between you and them

 you're charging your cert you're pricing your services at a heavy discount to help get your business off the ground people will appreciate the honesty you know if you're a business owner and a freelancer is reaching out to you 

you're gonna respect the person who's being honest about why their prices are so low and what they're doing you know advertising their services that they're offering on this five-hour platform more than someone who is lying about having all this experience isn't really able to justify any of it or validate it and really just trying to hustle you

 so I know that a lot of fiverr sellers take the path of being aggressive saying yes to everything that a prospect asks for yes yes yes yes I can do this I can do that I have experience I can do this I can do that 

sometimes you know especially as a new seller it's gonna be beneficial to you to just be honest let them know you're a new seller you know if they ask you something or ask you if you could do a project that you've never done before be honest with them say hey you know 

I haven't done that specifically but I've experienced doing this this this and this and then also be honest about why your fee is so low right now just tell them I'm starting out I work in a world where it's ultra competitive

 so to help build traction for myself I'm offering my services at the discount and I think you'd be a great fit and a great customer to work for you know for me to deliver great work to you and then in turn I'd love it if you you know reflected on your experience working with me in the form of a review that accurately reflects your experience people appreciate that

 so the first thing you can do is just be honest whether you're advertising off the platform you know whether you're emailing people your gig or you're prospecting yourself you know let them know why you're doing this you know you can even you know 

if you're someone who's been laid off or you're having trouble finding work Dudek Ovid let them know listen hey I started a freelancing business because Kovan has you know really hurt my normal source of income I'm offering my services as a heavy discount because I need to grow this thing if you're interested in working with someone like me maybe you can give me a shot and it'd be mutually beneficial that type of messaging really resonates with people the end of a people like helping people and if they actually your services they'll probably give you a shot

 so the first thing you do to speed up the amount of time it's gonna take to get your sale in 2020 is to be honest and really just talk from the heart nobody likes to be swindled or you know to be oversold

 so be honest alright so that's all I have for you today those are four things you can do to speed up the amount of time it's gonna take to get your first order on fiver in 2020 you found this video helpful or you think that there's some steps that you  may need to take to get that first gig stood up I have a lot of other videos on this channel that help explain just that so take a look at the links I put in the description and some of the other videos that I post in this channel thanks again for watching good luck 

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