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Blogging tips



 I can set different categories here and then I'll have different labels for my blogpost so if we come here we want to view our blog post again so you can see we have our blog posts here some of the different labels so if I click over here on category one it's gonna show that blog post for this first category showing posts with the label category one so if someone wants to post a comment they can do that here they can click on the blog post.

 it's gonna open it up into a new page ok so now let's come back to our home page real quick and you're gonna see it's gonna look a little bit different now that we have our first blog posts here it's gonna pull in this image as the featured image for this blog post.

Blogging tips
Blogging tips

 you can see the date right here so now our home page is gonna be made up of all of our different blog posts and our most recent blog posts are gonna show on our home page so if we come back over here to blogger again we have our first post created so we'll just click on update here keep everything updated it's bringin

g you back into this settings page but we'll come over to posts so now we can create new blog posts as we go the next thing I want to go through is stats I'm gonna go through blog posts a little bit more but I want to go through stats so if you click here you can see page views today yesterday last month all time so any of the different pages that are getting traffic for your website

 you're gonna be able to see them here now obviously I just created this so I'm not getting a lot of page views yet I created this website several days ago it's showing you know 4 page views here so some of it might just be BOTS that are looking at the website it's saying traffic sources for the most part are directly from my website so it's very unlikely you're gonna get a lot of statistics here as you first set up your

 website so you can see stats overview stats posts so it's gonna show page views for specific blog posts traffic sources so we're we're getting traffic from this is saying we're getting traffic from baidu.com so it might just be that they're crawling our website so I wouldn't look at this as we're starting to get a lot of traffic yet or anything like that search keywords Amazon.

 so I'm not really sure how someone found our website by searching for Amazon so I'm assuming that's just going to be a bot as well it's someone went to Bing comm searched Amazon and found our website very unlikely that that happened.

 so this might just be that they're starting to crawl our website so we're gonna come over to stats here and we click on audience and you can see it's gonna show page views by browser by operating systems and then different countries that are accessing our website and you can see some more over here they have some graphs you can look at the now day week month and all time so statistics can be very helpful to understand what's happening on your website.

 so the next thing is gonna be comments so any comments that you're getting on your website are gonna show up here you can remove content you can remove any comments that people have it'll show some comments in the spam comments if there's anybody trying to leave spam comments directly onto your blog.

 Google is gonna be able to filter them what blogger is gonna be able to filter them and you can just delete them to make it a little bit easier next is gonna be earnings so one of the main reasons that people do create blogs and write blog posts is because you can incorporate Google Adsense onto your blog's.

 so my blog doesn't currently qualify for Adsense but the way you want to qualify if we click here now we can come to the eligibility requirements it's gonna say do you have your own content created  from scratch so for a website blog original content so a Google Adsense allows you to monetize your content on your blog on your website same thing with a YouTube channel.

so we can come down here it's gonna say does your content comply with the Adsense program policies so there's certain types of content that they don't accept specifically if it's rated our content or anything like that so something that they don't really approve they're not gonna accept Google Adsense on your website and then are you at least 18 years old.

 so they can only accept applications from applicants who are over 18 if you're under 18 you can have a parent or guardian sign up using their Google account and you can be approved that way and then you can always switch over to your own Google account once you hit 18 keep scrolling down and it's gonna say why is my site not eligible for Adsense it's gonna say you should focus on writing more content.

 which in turn provides significant value and try again in the next few months so what I've always found and basically my rule of thumb here for being able to set up Google Adsense is write 20 blog posts maybe write 10 blog posts but as you start writing more and more blog posts it becomes easier to just monetize your content with Google Adsense but if you don't have blog posts there in general your not gonna make any money on your website yet to begin with,

so basically what you want to do is start writing some different blog posts start writing a valuable content it doesn't it could be about anything so whatever your blog is about and then as you start writing more and more blog posts.

 Google will approve your website it's not that part of an approval process as long as you fall in line with their program policies and you start writing original content on your website you're able to implement Google Adsense on your website and you can start earning from your blog as you start getting more and more visitors.

 now one thing to keep in mind is if you do have ads so let's say you have ads on your website do not go and click your own advertisements Google has filters set up for all that they have spam filters.

 so if you're trying to click your own advertisements and make more money for yourself they're gonna know that a bunch of clicks are coming from the same ip address so don't do that you're not gonna be able to game the system they've had those policies in place for 10-15 years.

 so just make sure that you're just writing content and trying to get traffic to your page so what I'll stay here with statistics is what I've always found is if we come here to overview with pageviews you need to get at least a thousand page views per day to really start earning some  money from your content.

if you're getting now you might earn a little bit with one hundred two hundred three hundred page views but as you get about five hundred page views and especially above a thousand page views you're gonna start earning a monthly income from your blog it might not be a full-time income but what you want to do is just try to keep increasing your page views to the point.

where you can get 1,000 2,000 3,000 page views per day and you can really start monetizing your blog and you can really start earning an income as you set up your blog okay so the next thing I want to go through is pages so if we click on pages here you can see there are no pages so we create a new page it's gonna look just like setting up a blog post.

 what I'll say the difference between a pages is pages are usually static so if I create a page here and I do something like Google Ads then what I can do is take any of my Google Ads articles and add them to this page here so if I say okay I have articles about Google Ads negative keywords.

 I have an article about Google Ads keyword match types and so on and so forth maybe I have a Google Ads tutorial I can link off to all these different pages here so I can take this right here and we'll send it to our page on our website so just a quick example so this isn't the exact URL.

 obviously but let's just say I have a Google Ads tutorial blog post published on my website I can link to that page so that's the way I look at pages as they can basically be used as category pages so it allows you to categorize all of your blog posts.

 now you can also use this doing labels and then you might want to set up your pages doing something else but this is the way that I would set up a page here we can click on publish and you're going to see we have our page right here.

 so we can come here we'll view our page so you can see we have our page JV marketing videos comm slash P slash Google Ads dot HTML and you can see we just have our logo at the top it's having what our page title is up here and then some of the different things down here at the bottom.

 so you can see we have our Google Ads tutorial that we link to so pages can be used for people to browse your website much easier and you can use them to kind of categorize some of your content the same way that you would use labels so if you come over here to labels you're gonna see some of these different categories as well now the difference between the label is it's gonna show all the blog posts with a summary.

 so pages you might just want to use as some of the different content that you adjust over time you don't necessarily need to use pages but it's just another option that you have as you are setting a blog post and you're trying to keep your website as organized as possible you can use pages you can also use pages to say something like contact us about us.

so if we come back over here so maybe we want to create a new page and we do contact us we can come down here and just say send us an email at admin at JB marketing videos comm and we'll get okay so we just have sent us an email at our email and we'll get back to you ASAP you can also set a link for this email.

 so if we come here we'll copy it come over to link and we can do admin at JB marketing videos comm and we'll just click on publish so that's another option for creating pages is either creating something like a contact us terms of service terms and conditions disclaimers about us.

 so some of those different pages you can create or you can create pages to help set up some different categories and kind of link to some different pages on your website so a couple different options when you're creating pages and now just keep in mind  

if we come back here to the home page you're not generally going to see that pages here unless you have them listed down here on the right hand side or somewhere at the bottom so that's how pages work in blogger.

so now the next thing we want to do is we're gonna come over here and come to layout so layouts gonna allow you to adjust the actual layout on your theme so you can add sidebars you can add 

some of these different things here so before I do this what I want to do is come over to theme and I just want to go through some of the different themes that they have so if we come over here I'm using the notable theme right now but if we come over you can see there's different themes down here at the bottom.


 so this is the theme that I'm using notable so what you can do is look at some of these different themes so let's just say I want to use this Soho theme so I can click on preview and now you're gonna see what its gonna look like if I choose this theme now obviously I don't want a picture of a cat at the top of my marketing videos page, but if you're writing about maybe different animals or your own cat or something like that you could just use the image they have here it always just change the image as well but you can look at how some of these different themes are gonna look for your website.

 so we're gonna get rid of this now you can click on contempo so we'll click on this one so if we come down you can see how it looks now in my opinion a lot of the blogger themes look like older websites so I kind of mentioned that earlier so I don't really like a lot of the themes that they already have.

 so if we just click on simple here and you come over you're gonna see just kind of some text the top now we can adjust this logo I'll show you how to do that as well as we go and the other thing that we can do is if we come down here you can look at all these different themes but we can adjust and install our own themes here.

 so if you want to install your own theme what we're gonna do is we're gonna come to the top here you can see our theme here so this is a live desktop view mobile view to install your own theme you're gonna have to click on backup/restore here so you click on backup or store and it's gonna say download a backup of your theme or upload a theme from a file on your hard drive.

 so what we can do is click on close here and my favorite website to find blogger themes is B templates com so if we open up B templates com you're gonna see free blog or templates and you're gonna see all these different templates here so these ones look a lot better than the ones that are provided for free from blogger and these are all free as well.

so if we come down here and let's just say for example I like this grid stur one so if I click on demo you can see the way that this is gonna look and it looks a lot better than the other theme that we're using and it looks like a normal website it doesn't look we're just creating a blogger blog.

 so you can see you have a logo at the top here we have a little menu here we can link to some different pages and then any of our blog posts are gonna show up just like this so it's gonna make it a lot easier for us to actually set up our website by using a more professional theme so if we come over here what we can do is we'll look at another example here so we'll just look at baking blog so 

we'll click on demo and you can see you can have your logo up at the top here we keep scrolling down there's some links up at the top so this one's not as good as the  other one in my opinion but it definitely looks better than some of the themes provided by a blogger so if you come to be templates com you can adjust and look at some of these different templates here we'll look at Nordic this will be the last one that we look at for the time being and the other thing you can do is view it on a phone.

 so the way it's gonna look on a phone the way it's gonna look on a computer so you can see some of these different blogger templates and we can just download any of them and quickly install them on our website so the one that I like the best is grid ster so I'm gonna come over here to grid stir and we're just gonna click on download.

 so we're gonna scroll down here and you're going to see free download so we're gonna click on free download here and it's gonna download a zip file to our website so we've already downloaded this zip file so what you want to do is unzip the zip file okay when you once you unzip that zip file.

 you're gonna see it here so under downloads we have grid stir so we can open up the folder and now the XML document here is what you want to upload when you're uploading it to your blogger account so we're gonna come back over here to blogger and again what you want to do is come to theme here click on backup restore.

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