Header Ads Widget

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Blogger,blogger seo,how to seo for blog.how to create new blog


 so we've just downloaded our theme already so what we want to do is click on choose file and we want to come in here to our grid store folder and we're gonna upload this XML document right here okay so we have grid sturdy XML we're gonna click on upload.

Blogger,blogger seo,how to seo for blog.how to create new blog
Blogger,blogger seo,how to seo for blog.how to create new blog

 so it's showing that it uploaded successfully so now if we come over here we can view the way that this looks right now so if we come over to view blog our blog is gonna look completely different over here so you're gonna see we have this here we have our first blog post.

so it's  stretching the image a little bit you can learn the image size for the different themes that you're using I highly recommend finding a theme that you like in the beginning you can always adjust themes over time but it makes it much easier if you stick to a consistent theme.

 so now we can see here we have our theme we have our first blog post we scroll down there's a lot of things down here as well so as people come to our home they can view some of our recent blog posts and you can see them at the top and as you scroll down so now what we want to do is we're gonna come over here at a blogger and we're gonna come back to layout.

 so if we click on layout now we can adjust some of these different things here so first we can start with our favicon so if we click over here so this is gonna be the little square icon that appears in the top of our page so if we just look at an example right here this is the favicon for blogger so it's just this little logo right here so what we want to do is we want to update our header we want to update our favicon so we can have it a little bit more towards our blog.

 so I already have a logo created for this website and I have my icon here so if we click on edit again okay so we want to do is take this icon right here we're gonna double click it and it's gonna show right here and now we can click on save okay so now you can see our icon has changed 

so when we go to our website we'll have a new icon for our website so what we want to do next is we want to update our logo here at the top so if we have our header here you're gonna see it's gonna say configure header blog title so what we want to do is we're just gonna do placement instead of title and description and we're gonna upload an image here.

so we're going to take our image choose file and then what I want to use here is this logo over here to the right hand side so we can take this over here okay so we have JB marketing videos project by Surfside PPC we'll click on save okay so now let's see how our website looks so if we come back over here to our website we have our new theme here so let's reload the page.

 so we're starting to look a lot better here now if I take this down just a little bit you can see we have our new icon in the top corner here we have our new logo here and you can always adjust those things over time so if you have a new logo if you're not sure how to create a logo anything like that you can always go to fiverr.com fiverr. com there's a lot of logo designers there and you can find logos for as cheap as five ten fifteen twenty dollars.

 you can find different designers who will create custom logos for your business that look really professional and then a lot of times they'll also create the fab icons for you as well so now we have this set up our header here if we come over we can adjust this html/javascript gadget if we want once we incorporate adsense on our website we can change this and make sure this is showing a Google Adsense ad just another way to monetize our website.

 now the next thing is going to be pages menu here so if we come over here you can see we have our home Paige and what we can do is if we click on edit here we can add more pages so if we come over and we click on edit what we can do is we'll add contact us and we'll add Google Ads so we can come down here we'll click on save ok so we're gonna come back here we're gonna reload the page.

now I'm gonna see it's gonna have home contact us and Google Ads so as we set up some different pages on our website we can make sure we add them to this menu here okay so we're gonna come back over here now there's all these  different things you can do so blog post gadget that's gonna show our most recent blog posts.

 you can add gadgets here so if we come over to gadgets there's Adsense blog search HTML Javascript profile so a lot of different options here I'm not gonna go through each individual one but you can see a lot of different things you can add to your blog or website with ease.

so you can add all these gadgets here and if we come over here you're gonna see some of the different gadgets we can add so HTML Javascript popular posts this is gonna be our sidebar this is gonna be the one that's showing up in our left hand side.

so a blog posts if we come over here you're gonna see about pages searches blog so we'll come over and you're gonna see some examples so about so it's gonna show our pages here 

search this blog it's gonna have a search bar we can always come over here and you can see searches blog maybe we would just want to move this over into our sidebar so we'll do that we're gonna save arrangement and we're gonna come over here we're gonna reload the page and if we come to the top here and click on our first blog post you're gonna see over on the right-hand side now we have this search over here.

so you're gonna see we have this HTML Javascript there's nothing here so it's not showing then we have to search this blog popular posts come over here you can see some of our labels if we have a blog role so we want to link to some different pages.

we can come over here ok so if we come over to blog role here we can link to some of the different pages so we'll click on edit ok so I've typed out Surfside PPC calm and beachfront decor calm now keep in mind here what we can do is we're gonna come here to enter we're gonna set a line break ok so we want to set our a targets here 

so we're sending traffic to Surfside PBC calm we're just linking off that page end a beachfront decor calm and we're gonna set a line break here so they're not showing up side by side and we'll click on save so now we have our blog roll saved so we'll come over here and reload the page okay so you can see our blog roll surf side PPC calm beachfront decor calm 

so we can kind of show some of the different pages that we like we can link to other similar websites or similar blogs and some of the different blogs that we read that are related to our blog okay so you can adjust all these things to the right hand side you can remove or change any of these things over here if we come over here you're gonna see a report abuse we can just come here to edit and we can just remove  that altogether click on OK.

you're gonna see about me a blog archive gadget so all these different things that we can do here and you can it change change over time so we're gonna get rid of this be templates com1 we're gonna come over here and just remove this okay we have popular posts search this blog HTML Javascript.

since we're not using it right now we're just gonna remove it for the time being you can always add those later and add in your google adsense ads so if we click on add a gadget here you can just click on adsense here and it's gonna display the advertisement on your sidebar above your post.

 below your posts or up in that top chat section I showed you earlier we can keep scrolling down so one thing you can use that makes it a little bit easier besides a blog role is just a link list over here so if we click on link list this is how easy it is to add a gadget you would just come here add a new site name.

 so we can do Surfside PPC okay so we'll change it to blogs we love number of items to show and list we'll just keep this empty leave blank to show all the links sort we'll just do don't sort for now and then site name Surfside PPC we'll click on add link so now we have a link here.

 so we can just do the same thing we'll do beachfront decor now obviously what you would want to do here is make sure you're just adding a bunch of different pages that are gonna be relevant to your website so if we come over to here to blogs we love okay so you can see our links here you can adjust them move them up or down you can edit the links.

 if you want to but we'll click on save okay so now if we come back over to our page and we reload the page again so now you can see it's probably gonna look a little bit better than the blog role did you're gonna see blogs we love blogroll looks pretty similar this might be a little bit easier to manage that way so we'll just come over here and we'll take this blog role here click on edit and we're just gonna remove it altogether okay.

 so you can adjust the layout they make it very easy and you just click on save arrangement you can always preview your layout as you're adjusting it over time now the other thing I want to show you is if we come back over to theme again and we come here to customize this will bring you to a blogger theme designer so you can see what it looks like you can click on some of these different themes here to put them live on your website to see what it looks like we can adjust the background you can adjust widths you can adjust your layout.

 so you can either go to your dashboard directly and adjust layout or you can do it right here and adjust your layout as well we can come over here to adjust widths and you can do this here now this works a little bit better with some of the existing themes but if you have a custom theme then you might just have to kind of use the layout to adjust any of these things so this is the blogger theme designer you can adjust the text color you can adjust the text sizes you can adjust your background colors anything like that that you want to so you can see there's a lot of  different options with some of these different themes.

 you can adjust all of that by coming in here to the theme designer so if you come back to blogger all you need to do is click on customize and that's gonna allow you to adjust that here so we're gonna come back over to layout real quick and what I want to do is I want to edit the footer of the page so if I come down here to the footer you can see I have some of these different social links here and they're not linking to my own social media channel.

so that's what I want to do now and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over here and you can always click on edit HTML so I wouldn't edit HTML if you're not more familiar with this but what you can do is come in here to edit HTML and you're gonna see all the different HTML for our theme so you can adjust this.

 if you're used to editing HTML but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna scroll to the bottom and I want to find the area where it allows me to edit that footer so I can put in my own links so you're gonna see edit here and you're gonna see something like footer start so it allows you to adjust these links in the bottom so if I'm doing this for join us on Facebook what I can do is let's just link to my facebook page for surf side PPC so we'll do facebook.com slash surf side PPC.

so now I know when someone clicks on these different social links they're gonna find my social media channels and it won't just be broken links okay and we're gonna click on this Facebook link down here at the bottom and you're gonna see it's gonna bring us directly to our Facebook page.

so you just want to make sure you do that so from top to bottom you want to make sure that your page is giving people a great user experience they can find your social media channels easily and a lot of times what you can do is also add your social media channels in your sidebar here or above or below your blog post as well so we're gonna come back over to our home page here and we're gonna add one more blog post just so I can kind of show how to create really a more advanced blog post and something that people are gonna be willing to click and something that hopefully will rank in Google.

 so we're gonna come over here to blogger again and what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over to posts and we're gonna create a new blog post so I want to create a blog post about dynamic search ads because I have a few videos on my channel about dynamic search ads so we're gonna put them all into one blog post so we're gonna do here is come to a post title and we're gonna do dynamic search ads tutorial for 2019.

 so this is gonna be my blog post and I just want to create a blog post that basically repurposes some of my different videos into a written form while embedding my videos onto this page okay so I'm gonna kind of fast-forward through some different portions at time but let's just get started we have some text at the top dynamic search ads can be a challenge in google ads and Microsoft advertising so we're gonna keep scrolling down the first thing.

 I'm gonna do is link and embed my dynamic search ads video here so we're gonna come over here and we want to set this up as a subheading so we have this set up as a subheading here so to make sure there's not too much space in between everything we're just gonna get rid of some of this space here we're gonna come over here click on enter.

so now we have our subheading set up and what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over and we're gonna insert a video from YouTube and we're gonna do dynamic search ads so I've created a lot of content about dynamic search ads so this is my tutorial right here we keep scrolling down.

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