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Blogger, blogging



 you can create this is really just going over all these different things under the post section so you really need to understand all these and it helps to know all of them as you're setting up your first blog post this is really the main part of blogger.

 so if we come over here next is gonna be to insert a video so if you click here you can insert one directly from YouTube from your own YouTube videos or you can upload a video so you have three different options there okay so I'm gonna do from YouTube and I just typed in Google Ads and I'll just take in one of my videos that I created recently seven Google ads search keyword targeting best practices so I'll click on enter and it's gonna put this YouTube video directly into our blog post.

so now you can adjust the way this looks so one of the things we can do is come over to HTML now so you're gonna see HTML doesn't really look as good as the composed portion does you're gonna see all these different codes here these align breaks it's gonna have some bold text.

 so a lot of different things going on here but as we scroll down you can see that our YouTube video is down here embedded and what we can do is come here and adjust the width and the height so let's just take the width and we'll  double it okay so one from 320 to 640 and let's just take the height and we'll put it up to 400.

 so now we can come back over here to compose and you can see it's gonna look a little bit better over here with our video so you can adjust all that by going to HTML and it makes it a little bit easier to kind of adjust the way your videos gonna look so we're gonna keep scrolling down now the next thing is going to be to insert special characters.

Blogger, blogging seo

 so you can see there's all these different characters here you're probably not going to use is that often you can draw a symbol here search by keyword if you're looking for something like an arrow maybe you're looking for some of these different triangles or things that are pointing towards specific texts or images that you have you can use those here.

 you can look by different symbols and numbers and modifiers so you can kind of look at a lot of different options here but ultimately I don't really use special characters that often if you do need to use them in your blog post this is where you would do that now the next thing here is gonna be to insert a jump break.

 so we're gonna click here to insert a jump break and you're gonna see there's gonna be a break in the page so we'll just do jump break so we'll be able to see that as we publish this blog post now you can see right now I have Center alignment so if you want to adjust your alignment what you can do is just take the text that you want to adjust you can copy it or if you're just on this one line you can just click right here and you can come over to alignment.

 you have left you have Center you have right and then you have justify so if we come over here to left it's gonna line it to the left main thing that you probably don't know is justify and if you do that usually it's gonna make it stay even across the entire page usually for text you want to use left alignment for headers you might want to Center your headers for videos for images you might want to Center them it really depends the format you just want to make sure it's easy to read for people who are reading your blog.

 so what keeps coming down a little bit and what we have next is numbered list so you can click on numbered lists and if we come down here okay so you can see we have one so number one and if you click on enter it's gonna keep that numbered list so number two

 in order to get out of a numbered list you're gonna have to hit enter a couple times and there you go so that's numbered lists so we'll keep coming down and the next thing you can do bullet points as well so instead of a numbered list you would just do bullet point bullet point two and so on and so forth so we'll do the same thing enter to get out of it.

now the next thing is gonna be quote so if you have a quote that you want to enter so maybe you have a quote example here it's gonna show up as a quote okay so the next thing is gonna be remove formatting.

 so that means if we do sample formatting and if I come here and I do bold text then what we can do is click on remove formatting and it's gonna put it back to normal so that's how remove formatting works if you ever want to remove the format for a specific text in your blog post.

 so we're gonna keep scrolling down here and now the last but not least here is gonna be check spelling so if we click on check spelling it's gonna show some of the different errors here that we have now  this is an app that I'm using grammerly so this actually shows the different errors that are in my blog post so if you want to download that you can but this will just show some of the different errors as you set up your blog post and you can always go back and see if you misspelled anything or if there's any words that Google does not recognize.

 okay so that's really it as you're setting up your blog posts obviously you're gonna be writing for the most part so you're gonna have a lot of written text here and as you're writing more and more text you might want to use some of these things the main thing that I really use are these headings here so you can set up headings  and subheadings so those are two things that I use pretty often links.

 so if you're linking to specific pages if you're linking to other pages on your website you can use that they're inserting images inserting videos those are things I use very often as well alignment so if you want to put some text in the center anything like that that's where you would set up alignment so now we can click on publish 

okay so you could see I have custom permalink setup here we'll just do automatic for now and you're gonna see the way it looks so it's gonna have the date and my first blog post so let's just do custom and I'll do my first blog post and we'll click on done okay so you can see it has the date here and my first blog post dot HTML.

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