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How to manifest something,how to manifest love,how to manifest money,how to manifest money fast,how to manifest anything


did you know that you have attracted every single thing in your life up until this very moment.

 hi guys and welcome back to my channel I am so so so so so excited to be making this video in which I will be explaining the law of attraction manifestation.

 how to effectively manifest your dream life and techniques in which you can do this and also just the basics of what the law of attraction.

actually is without further ado let's get right into it before we get right into it I just want to say real quick real quick rant this day has been a roller coaster .

so I haven't actually been awake for that long but I pretty much spent my whole day prepping for this video and like getting ready for it and then it was like freaking like raining and cloudy and the lighting was disgusting.

so I was like you know what I'm just gonna make this video because I just I was so excited and I keep on getting questions from you guys and I just want to answer them and I just want to make it.

so let's get right into this video now without further ado [Music] [Applause] every single moment in your life has brought you to the present moment you are constantly attracting things into your life without even realizing it the law of attraction.

simply put says that you will attract into your life what you focus on you can attract negative things into your life and you can attract positive things to you into your life.

when I say I'm going to be teaching you how to manifest what I really mean is how to manifest intentionally because you are actually already always manifesting you cannot stop and there is no pause button in life.

 obviously you are constantly attracting things into your life based on your thoughts based on your feelings based on your level of vibration if you focus on the good in life and you are constantly feeling positive feeling good energy good feelings you are attracting more of that into your life.

 where vice versa is also true whereas if you are focusing on the negative constantly you are attracting negative things into your life and when you understand this and learn how to work with it and maneuver it.

 a little bit I actually don't know what the word maneuver means 

so I really hope I use that correctly um then you can manifest 

anything you want into your life and I'm going to be teaching how 

to do that this is life changing the law of attraction says I will attract what I want into my life.

 manifestation is a little bit different where it says that I will 

attract what I am into my life both of these things are actually true in the sense where you are attracting what you are into your life.

you are attracting what you're giving Act we are actually magnets constantly attracting what we are into our lives.

 so when it comes to the law of attraction you're attracting what you want into your life.

a manifestation is saying you are attracting what you are into your life well you can use the law of attraction to attract what you want into your life.

when you know that you are attracting what you are so the trick is to become what you want and the person you want to be in your mind and then it comes into the physical.

 I know this sounds crazy I know I sound like a crazy person please bear with me I would be explaining this basically every single thing in this world is made up of energy.

 I made up of energy you are made up of energy everything is made up of energy and everything 

is constantly in motion everything is constantly vibrating and we are 

all vibrating at different frequencies based off of the energy that we are giving off think about when somebody says like.

 oh like I vibe with that person like I vibe with you what that really means is we are connected.

vibrationally by the vibration it's the same thing so when you're vibing with someone you are on 

the same vibrational playing field and whatever you're vibrating at the same frequency as in your life.

How to manifest something,how to manifest love
How to manifest something,how to manifest love

 you are attracting into your life like a magnet whatever it is that I desire is vibrating a very high frequency and if I'm in a bad mood.

 I'm thinking I can't have this thing I'm in a bad place I'm upset whatever I'm not gonna be able to attract this thing into my life because we are at different frequencies.

 so when I learn how to raise my vibration and become happier and more fulfilled from within then I'm 

raising my vibration I'm at a happy fulfilled  place and then I can easily attract that thing into my life 

how to manifest money,how to manifest money fast,how to manifest anything
how to manifest money,how to manifest money fast,how to manifest anything

like a magnet because you attract what you are if I want to attract money that I have to already believe that I am wealthy that I am rich and then I'm attracting that into my life.

I know it sounds crazy but it's true the law of attraction is actually not just a spiritual belief it is a scientific proven fact there are millions and millions of success stories of people who have created their own dream life using the law of attraction

 it is crazy you should definitely look up some success stories if you're trying to raise your faith because hearing bad is actually amazing there is no wish too big there is no wish too small.

you can have anything whatever it is in life you're focusing on the universe is granting you however everything that you're thinking saying writing is constantly coming into existence.

think about maybe if you've ever woken up one day and first thing when you got out of bed you 

stubbed your  toe and now you're thinking not my whole day is gonna be bad you started your day bad and now you're in this place of okay.

 now I'm in a bad mood because the way that you started your day is the way that you're continuing 

for the rest of the day because you are holding on to those negative feelings have you ever heard the phrase woken up on the wrong side of bed.

 after one thing goes wrong everything then goes wrong that's no coincidence once you are in this bad mindset more bad things are coming to you.

 so that's why it is so important to learn to let go of bad emotions and constantly be raising your 

vibration in order to be attracting things of a high vibration into your life for example if you're saying my crush doesn't like me my crush doesn't text me.

 my crush doesn't talk to me the universe says okay your wish is 

my command your questions now not like you your crush now won't text you your crush isn't going to 

talk to you that's an example of manifesting something that you probably wouldn't want the opposite is true vice-versa.

where if you're like my crush text me all the time my crush likes me 

and so on the universe says okay your wish is my command and that becomes your reality when it 

comes to the law of attraction and manifestation you have to let go of the past and the future they do 

not really exist the only thing that exists is the present moment and you are creating your future by living in the present moment.

 so you have to always stay present in the moment and the manifesting the things you want 

in the future by already having them in your mind because that's how they come into the physical.

 now we are going to be getting into the actual methods in which you can manifest so the first thing. 

I want to be teaching you guys about is affirmations when affirmation is basically a positive statement in the present tense.

 you can use affirmations when trying to manifest specific things into your life for example if you're trying to manifest self-confidence.


I would use the affirmation I am so happy and grateful now that I am so self-confident and you can do this with anything you can if it's money you can say I'm making.

 so much money every day I make money all the time I'm constantly bringing money into my life.

I am 

wealthy so on and so forth whatever you want it to be if you're attracting a specific person 

or a girlfriend or a boyfriend or a significant other let's say you can 

say I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a happy and 

loving relationship with blank you can say my specific person if it's 

the actual specific person that you know in real life you can even use their name another thing you have 

to keep in mind is that again you're always manifesting so affirmation are no different than 

affirming what you currently have so let's say that you are currently in debt and you're just complaining and you're like I have 

so much debt I have no money blah blah blah that is what you're affirming and that is what's becoming true.

 so all you're doing is flipping that and creating a new affirmation for the present and your present actually makes up the future.

so when it comes to affirmations two methods that I really recommend using especially for 

the beginners and you can always use these are the 3 3 3 method 

and the 5 5 5 method or 3 by 33 5 by 55 whatever for the 3 by 33 method it's basically when you 

pick an affirmation whatever it is that you're trying to manifest into your life I'll use the self confidence one I am so happy and grateful now that I'm so self 

confident every single day for 3 days at the same time every day you are going to take your notebook and you are going to write down 33 times.

 I am so happy and grateful now that I'm so self confident I just completely switched rooms 

because it's getting dark out and the lighting got bad in the room that I was in I swear to God this lighting is killing me but um 

basically the 555 method is the exact same thing except instead of doing this for 3 days straight you're doing it for 5 days straight 

and you're writing down your affirmation 55 times rather than 33 times now I'm gonna get into the actual step-by-step process of how you manifest something into your life.

 so right here I have my manifesting journal it's pretty cute pretty cute I really like it I decorated it you got to make it 

your own gotta make it fun you can use anything for this just writing down become so powerful and I'm gonna be talking about scripting in a minute.

 I will disclose to you the bit by bit cycle of how to show stage one you need to inquire 

this is you asking the universe for what you need I took the freedom of 

getting ready for this video by recording the means just so I didn't 

need to like resemble um while I was talking I could much the same as perused it directly off the paper so you're asking the universe for what you need. 

this is you recording it in the current state this is the certifications that we discussed I'm so cheerful and appreciative. 

since this is whatever it is you need to show folks I'm totally serious it tends to be anything 

anything in the entire world there is no wish too enormous universe can offer anything to you with the snap of the finger. 

so you're recording this insistence this is you putting in your request yet the universe OK the 

second step is to trust you need to accept that it is as of now yours you must have steady confidence the universe will begin to revamp itself to get it going for you 

you need to relinquish the how it doesn't make any difference the manner in which it doesn't make any difference how it will happen it 

doesn't make any difference when it will happen the main concern is that  it will happen you need to know. 

I will have this thing it doesn't make any difference when relinquished time the current second is the lone thing that is important and on the off chance that you accept since you have it, at that point you will have it. 

I guarantee the law of fascination consistently functions as long as you are not questioning the interaction and it requires some investment to get great at trusting however once you can do it you will see that the outcomes are crazy. 

presently it's typical for sensations of uncertainty to come up where you feel like this isn't really going to happen what am I doing this isn't genuine like I'll attempt show yet I don't feel like it's truly going to occur when you believe that think about what the universe says. 

OK your desire is my order currently it won't occur so at whatever point you have sensations of uncertainty supplant that with I realize it is coming I realize it is coming supplant it with a sensation of steady confidence. 

the last advance is to get start to feel brilliant about it feel the way that you will feel once it shows up encapsulate those feelings it's essential to feel better and 

cheerful during this cycle since you're at that point placing yourself in the recurrence of what 

you need you need to feel it what I mean by saying you need to feel it is the point at which you're showing you 

need to encounter the feelings as though you have this thing at the present time so whether that is satisfaction euphoria 


whatever it is whatever comes  up those are the emotions that you need to feel so various methods of showing are scripting take a note pad take a pen and essentially this is you taking a gander at your inventory of all that you need and you are fundamentally submitting your request with the universe. 

you can expound on your life in each and every manner in the current state as though you as of now have these things since you will have them and simply clarify your 

life and all that you need the more detail the better record everything content for I'd say at least 12 minutes. 

put on some decent music in the foundation that you like I suggest recurrence music and afterward follow those equivalent strides after you complete the process of scripting. 

so accept that whatever you are showing is now headed to you when you wrap up showing our next confirmation I like to utilize is my longings are in transit or something far superior is coming you need to confide in the universe the universe can give you anything you desire as long as you trust it.

is now yours overlook that dinging in the foundation something else that I like to do is envisioning which is something that you ought to do each and every day I in a real sense can't conclude how to do. 

my hair however all it implies is taking a couple full breaths to focus yourself and afterward imagining whatever it is that you need right now. 

so you're shutting your eyes suppose you need a vehicle imagine the vehicle or ten you're in the vehicle see your hands on the controlling wheel drive the vehicle feel the feelings that accompany having this vehicle feel it experience it love it and afterward let it go the universe will offer it to you 

with regards to giving up I'm going to give you a model that truly assisted me with seeing how to do it consider when you're in an eatery and you put in your request with the server well you're trusting that that request will come you're not considering how are they making this. 

when is it going to return you're sitting you're making the most of your water you're spending time with 

people  you're talking and you realize that your food is coming you're not fixated on when it's coming you're not fixated on how the gourmet expert is making it since you realize it will come it is a similar precise thing don't fixate on how 

this thing is being brought to you don't fixate on when it will be brought to you since it will be brought to you and the less you fixate and the more that you accept the quicker it will come into your life the exact opposite thing you need to know is to offer thanks. 

so after you complete the process of showing or even before anything else one of my number one activities is simply record ten things that I'm thankful for this will help such a huge amount to help you feel in where you are now content with the existence that you have. 

at the point when you are in where you are upbeat and satisfied you won't fixate on this thing since you are now glad how you are offering thanks and 

feeling grateful for the things you as of now have in your life will show the universe that you are vibrating at a higher recurrence and you can draw in the things you need into 

your life since when you're in a position of satisfaction you can pull in more bliss into like alongside the things that bring you joy folks.

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